Tips to Choose the Perfect Lipstick

Tips to Choose the Perfect Lipstick

Do you always wear the same shade of lipstick because you are unsure if other shades suit you? Are you itching to try out newer shades, but are hesitant? Here is how to choose the right lipstick for you. Use these tricks and experiment with top shades that will make you look stunning.

  • Know your skin tone
    Knowing your skin tone is the first step in choosing the right lipstick. Let’s divide the basic skin shades into four – fair, medium, tan, and dark. People with fair skin look great in colors like coral, red, peach, nude, and light pink. Those with a medium skin tone look stunning in lipstick colors like rose, mauve, and cherry red. Do you have tanned skin? Pick up bright reds and deep pinks, and you will not fail. People with dark skin should opt for colors like purple, brown, plum, and caramel.
  • Know your undertone
    Knowing your undertone is as important as knowing your skin tone. People with cool undertones look great in lipstick colors in purple, blue, and pink hues. Those with a warm undertone look great in coral, orange, and red hues. Those with a neutral undertone can choose any hue and make it work.
  • Pick shades based on your lip shape
    If you are unsure how to choose the right lipstick based on your lip shape, this point will help. People with thin lips look good in creamy light-colored lipsticks. You can also apply gloss to make the lips look thicker. Those with bigger lips do great with darker and matte shades.
  • Picking the perfect everyday lipstick
    Are you unable to find a shade that you can wear to work every day without looking overly made-up? Pick up a lipstick that is two shades darker than your natural lip color. This is a great trick to look classy and natural.
  • Say no to sticky, thick formulas
    A lipstick should feel natural and lightweight on the lips. If it is too sticky and thick, it is going to be uncomfortable and also look artificial. Stay away from such formulas and brands.
  • Choose glossy dark colors if you are a beginner
    If you are experimenting with dark colors and are not sure how to carry them, here is how to choose the right lipstick. Pick up glossy dark shades. When the color has a glossy finish, it brings down the color’s intensity and makes it wearable. You can also use a glossy tint or lip balm over a creamy or matte dark-colored lipstick for the same effect.

All these points on choosing the right lipstick will help you narrow down on shades that work great on your skin tone and undertone. Use these points and experiment with colors of your choice, and you will not go wrong.