Common Dietary Mistakes for COPD Patients

Common Dietary Mistakes for COPD Patients

COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is a progressive lung ailment that can make life challenging for patients. Here, the air sacs become inflamed and interfere with the breathing process. Sufferers complain of tightness in the chest, chronic cough, wheezing, fatigue, and unintended weight loss. Pulmonologists advise patients to take care of their food along with timely medication from curing the disease. So, have a look at prevalent diet mistakes for patients with COPD. Limit the salt intake Add a limited quantity of salt in foods as excess sodium influences the water retention in the body. It is one of the most common diet mistakes for patients with COPD . Studies prove that COPD victims, who consume a high quantity of salts, experience shortness of breath, and tightness in the chest. Dietitians also find that most of the salt in meals get added during the cooking process rather than the salt shaker. Add herbs and spices to enrich the flavor of foods or switch to low-sodium salt substitutes. If you consume canned food, then do not forget to check the added-salt in them. Ideally, your snacks should never include more than 300 milligrams of sodium per serving. Pay attention to fruits Though the consumption of fresh fruits is a healthy practice, COPD patients should be careful about their choice.
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7 Effective Lifestyle Tips to Manage Ulcerative Colitis

7 Effective Lifestyle Tips to Manage Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a fairly common form of inflammatory bowel disease. While it cannot be cured, medications and natural remedies can be used to treat the condition and provide relief from symptoms. Also, following a few tips can help cope with the condition better. A few effective tips for managing ulcerative colitis are: Maintain a food journal : One of the best tips for managing ulcerative colitis and preventing flare-ups is to keep a food journal. This can help patients identify and eliminate the foods and beverages that trigger flare-ups or aggravate the symptoms from their diets. Limit fiber intake : Although fiber is essential for bowel health, too much of it can aggravate ulcerative colitis symptoms and trigger flare-ups. So, it is recommended that these individuals eat foods that have one gram or less of fiber per serving. Some low-fiber foods that are helpful for managing ulcerative colitis are fish, eggs, foods made with refined carbohydrates like white rice, white bread, and white pasta, cooked fruits without seeds and skin, and fruit juice without pulp. Steaming, baking, or roasting vegetables can also help reduce their fiber content. Physical activity:  Even low-intensity exercises like walking and yoga are beneficial for overall health and also help manage ulcerative colitis.
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8 Effective Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dry Eyes

8 Effective Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dry Eyes

Dry eye is a syndrome in which the tears are not produced enough to keep the eyes in a healthy condition. The excessive dryness in the eyes is followed by burning or stinging sensation, redness, and constant itchiness. This condition can also interfere with your day-to-day operations. To relieve your symptoms and safely treat this problem, given below are various highly effective home remedies for dry eyes that you can try. Castor oil Castor oil imparts natural lubricating properties. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent to help you get rid of the burning sensation and itchiness associated with dry eyes. All you have to do is put a drop or two of organic castor oil in each eye to keep them hydrated. Consume Omega-3 fatty acids The long list of home remedies for dry eyes also includes Omega-3 fatty acids. Studies have shown that these acids help the oil-making glands present in your eyes to function properly, which further eases the symptoms. Salmon, trout, mackerel, flax seeds, and walnuts are some of the excellent sources of Omega-3 fatty acids. Coconut oil Coconut oil contains fatty acids that are beneficial for your eyes. Their moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties provide instant lubrication to dry eyes.
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The Different Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments for PH and PAH

The Different Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments for PH and PAH

The term hypertension can be described as a medical condition related to high blood pressure in the body. PH (pulmonary hypertension) is a wider term that can be further classified into several types. Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH), on the other hand, is one of the types of PH. The difference between PH and PAH is not much, but there are some points that hve to be kept in mind. Basic difference between PH and PAH The high blood pressure of lung to heart system in the body is what people refer to as PH and it is an umbrella term that can be caused due to several reasons. PAH is a type of PH primarily caused due to an increase in blood pressure as a result of injury or narrowing of the small pulmonary arteries. Differences between the number of people affected PH can be regarded as a common ailment that can affect almost 10 to 20 percent of the entire population. Whereas, PAH is counted among the rare ailments and affects only a small amount of the population. Difference between causes that lead to PH and PAH Another important difference between PH and PAH are the causes that lead to them.
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A Guide to Choosing the Best Weighted Blanket

A Guide to Choosing the Best Weighted Blanket

The popularity of weighted blankets is on the rise due to the wide range of benefits it offers. For managing stress, anxiety, and insomnia, these blankets are best to use as it provides a soothing effect, offering a relaxing and comfortable sleep. The weight of the blanket is evenly distributed, giving a feeling of security and comfort. How to choose a weighted blanket will depend on various factors, including your personal preferences. Weight How to choose a weighted blanket will largely depend on the weight as the distribution of the weight over the body is critical for performance as well as safety purposes. When buying a weighted blanket, the ideal weight will be 10 percent of the person’s body weight. For children, it will be 10 percent of body weight plus one to two pounds. A blanket that is too heavy and uncomfortable will not have the desired results and is not good according to safety aspects too. The blanket should weigh enough so that it is manageable and applies the right amount of pressure to the body’s deep touch pressure points. These blankets can weigh anything from 5 to 30 pounds. Size The size of the blanket should be enough to reach a person’s neck to the feet, and it should be wide enough to comfortably cover the person.
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7 Natural Remedies to Tackle Symptoms of Gouty Arthritis

7 Natural Remedies to Tackle Symptoms of Gouty Arthritis

Gout is the worst form of arthritis that causes excessive pain and swelling in different parts of the body. This condition occurs when the uric acid increases and crystalizes in the joints. Doctors generally recommend dietary and lifestyle changes to prevent sudden flare-ups. Along with these, the patients can also try various ancestral remedies for gouty arthritis. So, listed below are the ancestral remedies that are known to show positive results. Fenugreek seeds Regular consumption of fenugreek seeds helps reduce the internal and external inflammation in the body. All you need to do is soak the fenugreek seeds overnight in the water and drink that water in the morning and chew the seeds. By doing so, you will experience a major change in your condition. Castor oil The ancestral remedies for gouty arthritis also suggest the use of castor oil. People dealing with gout can apply the warm castor oil and massage it on the affected area. The oil with its highly effective compounds will break down the uric acid crystals and remove the swelling, redness, and pain. Garlic Garlic is another incredible solution for gout. As it significantly brings down the uric acid levels and prevents the crystallization from occurring.
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The Different Causes of Anemia

The Different Causes of Anemia

When a person suffers from anemia, there is a significant decrease in the number of red blood cells in the body. In this condition, an individual constantly feels tired, exhausted, and fatigued. In addition, there are various types of anemia, where each one of them has its own cause. For a better understanding, listed below are the different causes of anemia that you need to know. Iron-deficiency anemia If iron is present in an inadequate amount in the body, then the chances of anemia are high. This condition is defined as iron-deficiency anemia, which also occurs when there are stomach ulcers and other reasons behind slow yet chronic bleeding. Anemia due to chronic illness The long list of causes of anemia also suggests chronic illness. The exact reason behind it is unknown, but a person with an on-going medical condition can definitely experience anemia. The body constantly loses its entire energy while fighting the chronic medical condition. Anemia related to pregnancy Women who are pregnant have a higher rate of developing anemia. As during pregnancy, your body needs to produce more amount of blood to support the growth of the fetus. This increased demand of iron by the baby leads to a decrease in the red blood cells, as the body requires more nutrition to support the mother as well as the baby.
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Effective Ways to Lower the Risk of Colon Cancer

Effective Ways to Lower the Risk of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is cancer that starts in the large intestine, also known as the colon. Although the condition typically affects older adults, it can happen at any age. It generally begins as small, non-cancerous cell clusters called polyps that form on the inside of the colon. Generally, doctors recommend regular screening to identify any cancerous polyps. Here, we will look at some important signs and prevention tips for colon cancer. Signs and prevention tips for colon cancer Most common signs of the condition include: Change in bowel habits, including constipation and diarrhea Blood in the stool Persistent discomfort in the abdomen, such as pain, cramps, or gas Fatigue and weakness A feeling that your bowel doesn’t empty completely Unexplained weight loss Prevention tips Get screened for colorectal cancer Regular screenings help in searching for the signs and symptoms of cancer before they develop. Colorectal screenings help in locating growths on the rectum or colon that might turn cancerous. Getting these screenings is important as they help identify cancer at early stages when the treatment is more likely to be successful. Ideally, a person should start with frequent screenings at the age of 45. You can still talk to your health practitioner for finding out the tests that may be right for you.
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Rarer Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Rarer Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Over the years, awareness of breast cancer has immensely improved. Almost all women are aware of the common signs and symptoms of this condition, such as breast lumps, inverted nipples, etc. However, there are some uncommon signs of breast cancer that must also be paid attention to. Here, we will talk about those lesser-known symptoms in women. Leaking nipples After childbirth, several women may experience leaking nipples. Although this is not a surefire sign of breast cancer, yet in some cases, it may indicate serious problems. A few studies showed that women experiencing a whitish fluid discharge from their nipples had intraductal carcinoma, an early form of breast cancer. Itchy breasts This is another one of the uncommon signs of breast cancer. Some women may experience persistent breast itchiness and discomfort. This may be an early warning sign of IBC, a type of breast cancer. Generally, tingling and itching occur when cancer begins to breakdown the fat in the breast cells. This causes the nerve endings to fire abnormally, manifesting symptoms of itching. Dimpled skin As the disease progresses, the breast tissue decreases, resulting in changes in the breast’s texture. This creates a dimpled, orange-peel-like texture, typically with scaling. In the beginning, one may look at it as an allergic reaction to something.
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Lifestyle Tips to Help Manage Hepatitis C Symptoms

Lifestyle Tips to Help Manage Hepatitis C Symptoms

Hepatitis C resulting due to hepatitis C infection in the liver, may lead to severe organ damage, including cirrhosis and liver cancer. It transmits by the introduction of contaminated blood in the circulation, through vertical transmission from mothers to babies in the uterus, sharing contaminated syringes, unprotected sexual contacts, and getting pricked by needles. You have to know the signs and management tips for Hep C for early detection. Signs of hepatitis C If you are looking for signs and management tips for Hep C ,  then always remember that knowing the following symptoms is the first step towards the cure of the disease. Early symptoms of hepatitis C The following early signs of hepatitis C develop when the infection is in the acute stage. Occasional pain in the belly radiating to other parts of the abdomen Release of dark urine and clay-colored poop. Patients also demonstrate yellow tint in eyes, skin, and nails. Chronic fatigue Nausea, vomiting, coupled with poor appetite Late symptoms of hepatitis C After six months of hepatitis C infection (chronic stage), patients may experience the following complications: Ascites or building-up of fluid in the space between the abdominal wall and the organs in the abdominal cavity.
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