Common Causes and Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer

Common Causes and Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer occurs when the cells in a woman’s cervix mutate due to abnormalities. These cells connect one’s uterus to the vagina, and cancer in them affects the deeper tissues of the cervix. It gradually spreads to the other parts of the body, including the vagina, rectum, bladder, liver, and even the lungs. The condition progresses at a slower rate than certain other cancers, and hence, it can be treated even if not detected at the earliest. However, to ensure the best chances of a full recovery, it is ideal to diagnose the disease in the first stages itself. To help with that, here are some of the causes of cervical cancer that you should know about. HPV Infections caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) are one of the most common causes of cervical cancer. It is actually a sexually transmitted virus and there can be more than 100 different types of HPV. Out of these, only 13 are able to cause cervical cancer. Now, the HPV infection is contracted via sexual contact or skin-to-skin contact. Studies have observed that HPV infection is common and that a majority of individuals will be infected by it at some point in life. Human papilloma viral infections also typically resolve on its own.
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Common Symptoms and Causes of Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Common Symptoms and Causes of Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Spinal muscular atrophy is a disabling medical condition mostly detected in children. The voluntary muscles become weak, and kids are unable to control their movements. Usually, the muscles near the center of the body like the shoulders, hip, and thighs get impacted at first. If the condition is not detected in the early stages and immediate disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) are not initiated, then the situation can turn fatal. The causes of spinal muscle atrophy It is crucial to know the following causes of spinal muscular atrophy to have a better understanding of this inherited progressive neurodegenerative disorder. Genetic causes Genetic factors are one of the most significant causes of spinal muscle atrophy .  The SMN1 and SMN2 genes present on the human chromosomes remain concerned with the production of SMN (survival of motor neuron) proteins. In healthy individuals, this protein controls the transmission of impulses from the brain and the spinal cord to skeletal muscles, signaling them to move. Though the SMN protein is present throughout the system, they have the highest concentration on the brainstem. In spinal muscular atrophy patients, there is a defect in the expression of SMN1 and SMN2 genes. Studies have proved that homozygous mutations in the SMN1 gene on chromosome 5 can lead to this autosomal recessive disease in 94 percent cases.
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Telltale Signs of Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Telltale Signs of Alcohol and Substance Abuse

The problems of drug abuse and alcohol addiction are both costing America more than $740 billion annually in crime-related expenses and in loss of productivity and healthcare costs. Drug addiction is not just a physical problem, but has multi-pronged causes that adversely affect all aspects of a person’s life. If you suspect someone is addicted to any intoxicant, here are the signs of alcohol and substance abuse that you should look for. Problems with work or school:  People who are going through alcohol and substance abuse first start showing the signs of the same in their workplace or academic institutions. They regularly miss work/classes and their productivity gradually drops. Regular complaints of behavioral changes are also to be taken as signs that the person may be under the influence of intoxicants. Negligence in grooming:  If someone who is usually impeccably dressed coming to work in shabby, unkempt clothes, and shows a sudden lack of interest in grooming or looking presentable, it is cause for suspicion This could also be one of the signs of alcohol and substance abuse, and you must monitor them closely for a while in this case. Behavioral changes:  A lot of people also start noticing random behavioral changes in their loved ones or peers when they are addicted to alcohol or drugs.
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Lifestyle Tips for Better UTI Management

Lifestyle Tips for Better UTI Management

UTI or urinary tract infection is a condition that can have a negative and long-lasting effect on your daily life. It is more common in women than in men. Did you know that over 6 million patients in the United States every year visit their physician for a UTI complaint? Luckily, following a healthy lifestyle and some crucial dos and don’ts can aid in keeping this condition at bay. Here are some top lifestyle tips for UTI that you can follow to prevent the occurrence or recurrence of the condition. Drink plenty of water:  This is one of the most important lifestyle tips for UTI. The disease is an infection in the urinary tract. It can be in the bladder, the urethra, or the kidneys. Drinking a lot of water helps flush out the toxins from these parts, and water also regularizes the pH level of your genitals, thereby reducing the chance of recurrent infections. Minimize sugar consumption:  Microbes love sugar and grow faster in an environment filled with this ingredient. This is why people with high blood sugars are at an increased risk of developing recurrent UTIs. Therefore, another major lifestyle tip for UTI prevention is to minimize your sugar intake.
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5 Dietary Tips to Keep Rheumatoid Arthritis at Bay

5 Dietary Tips to Keep Rheumatoid Arthritis at Bay

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory condition that causes pain in the joints. The condition occurs when the immune system of a person mistakenly attacks its own body tissues. In the long term, the disease may also lead to the deformation of the joints. However, the disorder can be managed by making certain dietary changes. Here’s the list of foods to eat and avoid for rheumatoid arthritis. Opt for a weekly dose of salmon The fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which is helpful in treating rheumatoid arthritis as the polyunsaturated fats have anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, you can also opt for fish like sardines, mackerel, and fresh tuna as they include the same fatty acid. Alternatively, people, who are vegetarian, can include walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseeds in their diet to maintain their level of fatty acid. Give priority to dairy Among the list of foods to eat and avoid for rheumatoid arthritis, dairy products belong in the former category. They include a high amount of calcium and vitamin D, necessary to boost bone health. Additionally, consuming milk and substitutes aids in improving the strength of the bones. Furthermore, the presence of protein in dairy products helps in building muscle so that symptoms of the disease get subsided.
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Natural Remedies to Treat Nasal Polyps at Home

Natural Remedies to Treat Nasal Polyps at Home

Nasal polyps are abnormal (non-cancerous) growths in the linings of the nose or the sinuses. These can cause blockage in the nose, recurrent allergies and infections, and general discomfort. While the condition isn’t always fatal, it can be dangerous if the polyps grow beyond a certain size. For the natural treatment for nasal polyps, you can try the following solutions. Cayenne pepper:  Cayenne pepper is a moderately spicy chili that is widely used in different regions in the world. This wonderful ingredient is also an herbal supplement to help people get relief from sinuses, allergies, and certain symptoms of nasal polyps. You can include 1-2 teaspoons of the pepper every day in your food to get positive results. Some people also drink cayenne pepper tea. Saltwater spray:  Saline spray is one of the options for the natural treatment for nasal polyps. You can make your own spray by adding distilled water and salt in a bottle and using this in the nostrils multiple times a day to get rid of symptoms like a blocked nose, irritation, and infection. Apple cider vinegar steam:  Another natural treatment for nasal polyps is steam inhalation. Instead of plain steam, add 10ml of apple cider vinegar in hot water and inhale this steam.
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Natural Ways to Manage Sleep Apnea

Natural Ways to Manage Sleep Apnea

Good sleep is important to keep your body healthy and fit. But there are certain disorders like sleep apnea that disrupt the sleep pattern in people. In this condition, a person’s brain and body do not receive enough oxygen at night. It can cause breathlessness, which forces you to wake up frequently. Furthermore, the condition can cause various other complications, including elevated blood pressure and heart ailments. There are many natural ways to manage sleep apnea, and a few of them are mentioned below: Prevent obesity Maintaining a healthy body weight is the key to managing the symptoms of sleep apnea. The fat deposition in the tissues surrounding the upper airways obstructs the flow of air. The problem can further lead to the sudden cessation of breathing in sleep. Additionally, losing weight also helps in eliminating the disease.  Quit smoking and drinking habits Among the natural ways to manage sleep apnea, there is a lot of stress given to eliminating alcohol and cigarette from lifestyle. This is due to the fact that smoking leads to inflammation in the upper airway, which increases the symptom of sleep apnea. Furthermore, alcohol reduces the muscle tone present in the back of the throat that causes interruptions in airflow, aggravating breathing problems and symptoms of sleep apnea.
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Symptoms and Risk Factors for Leukemia

Symptoms and Risk Factors for Leukemia

Cancer of the leukocytes or blood-forming cells is called leukemia. From acute to chronic onset, this type of cancer can have different impacts on different patients. There are four primary types of leukemia occurring in children and adults. The risk factors for leukemia increase with age, and there are also many external factors that can make an adult vulnerable to this type of cancer. It is a commonly known fact that men are at higher risk when it comes to leukemia. The following are the other risk factors that you should know about – Blood disorders People who already have severe blood disorders might be more vulnerable to this type of cancer. Idiopathic myeloid fibrosis is one such blood disease that acts as a risk factor for leukemia. There are chances of noticing abnormalities in the bone marrow cells in such patients with existing blood disorders, and this increases the risk of acute myeloid leukemia. Correlation with other cancer types There have been several cases where people with other types of cancer might develop leukemia. Often, this occurs where the patient was on some form of chemotherapy for an extended period. The adverse reaction of the body to some types of drugs used in chemotherapy could be the cause in this case.
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Effective Ways to Treat Multiple Sclerosis

Effective Ways to Treat Multiple Sclerosis

Treating multiple sclerosis, a chronic inflammatory disorder of the central nervous system, is essential as it can affect patients’ quality of life. Although this disease is incurable, there are many treatment options for multiple sclerosis available to manage the symptoms. The treatment options vary depending on the type of multiple sclerosis. Let’s look at a few of them: Disease-modifying medications They are long-term treatment options for multiple sclerosis that include medications to help reduce the frequency and severity of the symptoms or relapses. Ocrelizumab is an immunosuppressant and the only FDA-approved medication for the treatment of primary-progressive multiple sclerosis. For relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, medications come in the form of injections, infusions, and oral treatments. These medications are prescribed by a neurologist who specializes in treating the condition. Injections They are given under the skin or into the muscle and might cause sore skin, redness, or itchiness. The following medications are given as injections: Beta interferons:  They are commonly used to treat multiple sclerosis and help ease the severity and frequency of flare-ups. They include: interferon beta-1a interferon beta-1b pegylated interferon beta- 1a Glatiramer acetate:  This medication is designed for patients of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis and aims to stop the immune system from attacking the myelin sheath.
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11 Prime Triggers for Asthma Symptoms

11 Prime Triggers for Asthma Symptoms

Asthma attacks can be triggered by a lot of things that narrow the airways and cause inflammation, swelling, and excess mucus production. Any contact with these triggers is what causes asthmatic symptoms, which may manifest immediately or several hours after exposure to a trigger. By identifying the triggers, patients can minimize the risk of flare-ups and improve their quality of life. Here are a few common triggers for asthma: Weather Exposure to cold or dry air and changes in temperature and humidity are among the common triggers for asthmatics. Avoiding areas with either extreme cold weather or extreme humidity helps patients prevent an attack. Allergens Many people with asthma are allergic to dust mites, pollen, animal dander, mold, and cockroach droppings. Inhaling any of these substances can trigger the symptoms, so reducing one’s exposure to these allergens can help prevent an attack. Exercise When asthmatic symptoms develop after exercising, it is called exercise-induced asthma. Physical activity is one of the common triggers for asthma, but warming up or taking medication before exercising can help reduce the risk of an attack. Tobacco smoke People with asthma have sensitive lungs and are susceptible to respiratory issues and asthma attacks after exposure to tobacco smoke.
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