7 Dangerous Foods for High Cholesterol
Cholesterol can be defined as a waxy and fatty substance that the body needs as a building block of the cell membranes. In addition, it helps in making hormones, vitamin D, and the substances that help you digest the food. However, it gets a bad name when high cholesterol starts creating a problem for heart health. So, to manage your cholesterol level, listed below are the foods to avoid with high cholesterol.
Butter is a common ingredient used to make your dishes even more flavorsome. It is extremely high in cholesterol and must be avoided. The saturated fat present in butter increases bad cholesterol in your body and puts your heart at a major risk of developing a disease.
Microwave Popcorn
The way popcorns are made can bring all the difference in whether they are good or bad for your health. The microwave popcorns are prepared with butter, salt, and olive oil, and this combination is definitely not good for someone who has high cholesterol. For a healthier option, you must eliminate butter and salt, and make them with olive oil and parmesan cheese.
Baked Goods
Among foods to avoid with high cholesterol, you can also find baked goods. These treats have lots of saturated fat and butter, which can bring down the good cholesterol levels in your body. The saturated fats increase the shelf life of these baked goods but cause severe damage to your heart health. Instead, you can bake cakes or muffins at home by regulating the level of sugar and butter.
Fried Chicken
No matter how mouthwatering it is, people with cholesterol issues should stay away from this snack. The saturated fats found in the skin and the fat that gets absorbed by the breading during the frying process make this snack an absolute no-no for people with high cholesterol.
These drinks have also been included in the list of foods to avoid with high cholesterol as they have an excessive amount of sugar. A high level of sugar intake is responsible for raised cholesterol levels. Moreover, consuming too much sugar can negatively impact your overall health.
These foods have a major amount of cholesterol and are mostly cooked in butter which only adds to it. Therefore, people who are trying to manage their cholesterol should avoid eating shellfish like prawns and lobsters.
Red Meats
Red meats contain a high amount of saturated animal fat that is known to increase the total cholesterol in the body. If you frequently consume meat, then it is better to switch to leaner varieties like chicken and turkey. Even processed meat like cold cuts or luncheon meat can be bad for you as they have a high sodium level.
If you are planning to follow a cholesterol-friendly diet, then you need to eliminate the abovementioned foods to avoid with high cholesterol. You can easily find healthier alternatives to maintain your health without compromising with the taste and flavors.