The Effects of Stress on Lymphoma Symptoms

The Effects of Stress on Lymphoma Symptoms

Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system or lymphocytes. As this type of cancer takes a toll on the body’s first line of defense, it leads to various secondary infections. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is one of the most common types of lymphoma. “Can lymphoma be caused by stress?” is one of the most popular questions that people have while understanding the risk factors. Herein, we find out whether lymphoma can be caused by stress and which other factors play a role.

Stress as a Risk Factor
Numerous factors and can lead to various mild to severe health implications with stress. There have also been several studies trying to link workplace stress and other types of stress to lymphoma and other types of cancer. People with a family history of lymphoma or other types of cancer should be more cautious about the possible correlation between stress and lymphoma. Men who are constantly under stressful situations are at bigger risks of lymphoma than others. These are also people who might display more intense symptoms.

Impact of Stress on the Immune System
A major part of the relationship between stress and lymphoma comes from the impact of stress on the immune system. With the immune system becoming vulnerable, the risks of lymphoma are increased. People who have been under a lot of stress for a major part of their professional life might have their immune system weakened over the years. Men are at higher risk for lymphoma, and most types of lymphoma are common in older people than in youngsters.

Stress in Those Diagnosed with Lymphoma
Lymphoma can make life difficult for some. While it goes unnoticed in some, others might notice plenty of lifestyle changes due to this type of cancer. Psychological stress might result from the proposed treatment plan. Living with lymphoma can be difficult and can, therefore, lead to stress. Along with chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and other types of treatment options of lymphoma, psychological counseling might be recommended. Complementary therapies that work on lowering stress and boosting the immune system are known to work wonders for people with lymphoma.

Tackling Stress to Lower the Risks
People with autoimmune diseases are also known to be at a higher risk of lymphoma. So, anyone who has a weak immune system or a history of autoimmune diseases should take every possible step to eliminate stress. Adopting a better lifestyle can help in coping with stress. From meditation to physical exercises, there are many ways in which stress can be tackled so as to alleviate the risks of lymphoma or the symptoms in those who already have this type of cancer.

So, can lymphoma be caused by stress? Although it is not a direct cause, combined with other risk factors, stress can make things worse for people who are vulnerable to lymphoma. Tackling stress can bring down the risks of lymphoma and many other types of cancer.