The Most Effective Teeth Whitening Products and Procedures

The Most Effective Teeth Whitening Products and Procedures

Everybody wants a bright and lovely smile. Thanks to the kinds of food people eat and unhealthy lifestyle practices like smoking and drinking, most people end up with unattractive, discolored teeth. A lot of men and women refrain from laughing aloud, fearing people may judge their discolored teeth. Here are different teeth whitening procedures you can opt for to get instant bright teeth.

  • Whitening toothpaste
    In the list of different teeth whitening procedures , toothpaste is the most affordable and commonly used whitening solutions. Whitening toothpaste uses special ingredients that help to remove surface stains from the teeth. While these do not change the color of your teeth, they can create a difference by working on the tough, old stains that are causing discolorations. Whitening toothpaste can be used every day and is great for mild staining and discoloration.
  • Whitening strips and gels
    If the toothpaste does not do the trick for you, try out whitening strips and gels available over-the-counter. These gels and strips are enriched with whitening solutions and need to be applied in the specific manner mentioned by the brand. You can start seeing the results of these products in just a few days of application. The effects last for several months.
  • Natural remedies
    People who are more inclined towards natural remedies for teeth whitening can opt for products like activated charcoal, baking soda, or coconut oil to remove teeth stains. Do remember that these are gentle and do not show as effective results as other methods.
  • Whitening rinses
    These are newer additions in the list of different teeth whitening procedures. These are like mouthwashes and include hydrogen peroxide to help whiten teeth and remove plaque and work on mouth odor. These are easier to use too.
  • Dentist performed bleaching
    In the list of different teeth whitening procedures , bleaching is a professionally done method. You will have to get an appointment from your dentist to get this done. If over-the-counter products have up to 3% hydrogen peroxide for whitening, the products used by dentists have up to 40% hydrogen peroxide. These are, hence, more effective.
  • In-home bleaching
    If you prefer, your dentist may give you customized bleaching products that you can use for teeth whitening. This can be opted by people who do not want to sit in the dentist’s office for hours for the procedure. If you choose this option, make sure you follow the instructions correctly and do not keep the products on for a longer time than what’s specified.

You can choose between these teeth whitening procedures depending on how discolored your teeth are and your affordability factor. Along with using these techniques, practicing a healthy oral regime, brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash twice a day all help make a difference.