Lifestyle Tips to Help Manage Hepatitis C Symptoms

Lifestyle Tips to Help Manage Hepatitis C Symptoms

Hepatitis C resulting due to hepatitis C infection in the liver, may lead to severe organ damage, including cirrhosis and liver cancer. It transmits by the introduction of contaminated blood in the circulation, through vertical transmission from mothers to babies in the uterus, sharing contaminated syringes, unprotected sexual contacts, and getting pricked by needles. You have to know the signs and management tips for Hep C for early detection.

Signs of hepatitis C
If you are looking for signs and management tips for Hep C then always remember that knowing the following symptoms is the first step towards the cure of the disease.

Early symptoms of hepatitis C
The following early signs of hepatitis C develop when the infection is in the acute stage.

  • Occasional pain in the belly radiating to other parts of the abdomen
  • Release of dark urine and clay-colored poop. Patients also demonstrate yellow tint in eyes, skin, and nails.
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Nausea, vomiting, coupled with poor appetite

Late symptoms of hepatitis C
After six months of hepatitis C infection (chronic stage), patients may experience the following complications:

  • Ascites or building-up of fluid in the space between the abdominal wall and the organs in the abdominal cavity. The wrists and ankles may also start swelling as a side effect of ascites.
  • Hepatic encephalopathy, a condition where toxins concentrate in the brain. Patients experience confusion, slurred speeches, and drowsiness.
  • Rashes or hives develop on the skin coupled with extreme itchiness.
  • Spider angiomas – the occurrence of web-like blood vessels below the epidermis.

Management of hepatitis C
In-depth knowledge about the signs and management tips for Hep C can prevent the progression of the disease to advanced stages.

  • Refrain from alcohol
    Since alcohol damages liver cells and may lead to complications of hepatitis C infection, it is better to avoid them. Studies reveal that sufferers who continue to consume alcohol despite hepatitis C often end up with complications like cirrhosis and liver cancer.
  • Taking care of diet
    A well-balanced, healthy meal may arrest complications of liver damage. Include whole-grain cereals and fresh fruits and vegetables to drive maximum nutrition from them. Try to slow down on high-fat, sugary, and salty meals as they stress the liver.
  • Remain hydrated
    Drink at least six to eight glasses of water daily to prevent side effects of anti-viral hepatitis C medications. Keep a bottle of water within your reach and keep on drinking it at regular intervals.
  • Sleep well
    Try to sleep for seven to nine hours daily if you get diagnosed with hepatitis C infection. It will prevent associated-illness like heart ailments, obesity, and mood disorders. Maintain comfortable room temperature, and set a routine to get optimum sleep.

So, now you know about the signs and management tips for Hep C. Follow these simple steps for early detection and recovery from the disease.