Foods to Help Manage Schizophrenia Symptoms
Schizophrenia is a mental health disorder. It impacts one’s ability to talk, think, and express, hampering social life, and interactions. Although schizophrenia is a lifelong condition, certain treatment options can help to manage the symptoms well. Some food can also benefit people battling with this problem. So if you are wondering which foods help with managing schizophrenia, this post is for you.
- Fruits
A lot of studies have suggested that people who have schizophrenia do not get sufficient fiber. Fruits like apples, pears, raspberries, etc. are rich sources of fiber that also help in digestion. They eliminate bad cholesterol and also lower the chances of many other health problems. - Salmon and other fatty fish
Omega-3 fatty acids are important for the human body. However, they can’t be produced by the body and need to be absorbed in sufficient quantities through food. Many researchers have concluded that these fatty acids can help improve symptoms of schizophrenia. All fatty fish, including salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel, are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. - Oysters and crab
Oysters, crab, and lobster are high sources of zinc. Additionally, you can also intake zinc in the form of fortified cereals and other supplements. - Spinach
Spinach is an excellent source of folate, which is a great nutrient for reducing the symptoms of schizophrenia. So if you are thinking which foods help with managing schizophrenia, this should be on your list. You can also include asparagus, beef liver, and black-eyed peas in your diet along with spinach. - Non-dairy yogurt
The gut microbiome, i.e., the bacteria present in your intestine, is closely associated with schizophrenia. Prebiotics and probiotics can help the body fight against the annoying symptoms of the condition. Prebiotics are naturally found in fruits and vegetables. On the other hand, probiotics can be consumed through yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut. - Clams
Low levels of vitamin B12 in the body can exaggerate the symptoms of various mental disorders. It is advisable to include vitamin B12-rich foods in your diet. These include liver, certain bread, and trout. You can also take vitamin B12 supplements after consulting your doctor. - Vegetables
Vegetables should be on top of your list if you are wondering which foods help with managing schizophrenia. Low in calories and fat and packed with fiber and other nutrients, vegetables help promote overall health. They also contain potassium that helps to keep the blood sugar level in check. You can eat vegetables like sweet potatoes, lima beans, and kidney beans. - Chicken marinara
Many studies suggest that vitamin niacin can reduce the progression of schizophrenia. It also helps to ease the symptoms. The most helpful source of this vitamin is chicken marinara.
So, if you are wondering which foods help with managing schizophrenia, this list will help you out. You can also consult your doctor for formulating an effective meal plan.