Early Signs of Dementia

Early Signs of Dementia

Dementia is a general term for a condition. It is a combination of factors that prevent an individual from maintaining a normal life. Aging and genetics are two main causes of dementia. Types of dementia include Alzheimer’s disease and Lewy Body dementia, both of which are the result of protein clumps in the brain, and vascular dementia (damage to the brain’s blood vessels). Below please find some early signs of dementia.

1. Memory loss
By itself, memory loss is not necessarily an early sign of dementia. However, when combined with some of the other factors listed below, it is something to monitor. It may manifest itself in short-term loss. As a person ages, they may be able to recall events that happened a long ago but cannot tell what they did an hour ago. The brain’s ability to remember slowly declines over time without dementia so this is more of a dramatic loss.

2. Problem solving difficulties
This can be a good indicator of dementia. It essentially is the inability to figure out what to do. It may involve planning a trip or putting together a bookcase. It shows the brain is unable to function in ways it used when performing a task. The problem is not normally one that is difficult. It is likely to be one that should be easy to handle even as a person ages.

3. Confusion about time and place
This is one of the more common signs. A person does not know the day of week or the month. They are confused about where they are. They are at home and think they are somewhere else. They get up to get dressed for church, and it is not Sunday. This is not the result of normal aging.

4. Challenges understanding visual information
The brain cannot properly process the information provided by the eyes. Objects like steps and shadows are misinterpreted. This means an individual has difficulty maneuvering around. They misstep or fall because of faulty information. It becomes a challenge to just walk. The person loses confidence and then walks slowly which leads to further problems.

5. Speech issues
As brain cells are destroyed by the effects of dementia, a condition known as aphasia occurs. This is not simply mispronouncing a word. It is the inability to speak or understand speech. It is similar to other early signs. It starts out slowly and gradually worsens. When a person cannot say a common word they have always used, then there is a speech issue.

6. Misplacing personal items
This sign often involves hiding items. The person cannot recall where they were put. It is part of worrying about losing personal effects. It is not just forgetting the location of the car keys. It is a deliberate attempt to conceal. The mind loses the ability to remember.

7. Poor judgement
This early sign may tie in with problem solving difficulties. A person just makes bad decisions. All people make poor choices in their lives but this is more severe. The brain just loses the ability to think through a situation. It then leads to poor judgement. It more likely appears as inappropriate behavior.

The key is identifying the early signs of dementia and looking for two or more factors that worsen over time. Medical treatment in a timely manner is important as some signs can be treated.