Ancestral Remedies for Dry Eyes

Ancestral Remedies for Dry Eyes

Traditional or ancestral remedies are methods that have been adopted for ages against common illnesses. Dry eyes can start feeling itchy or irritated, and sometimes it leads to redness in the eyes. Many factors can lead to dryness in the eyes. But there are some simple ancestral remedies for dry eyes, and these are known to be effective in treating the condition quickly.

  • Use of Omega-3 supplements
    Focusing on the daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids can significantly improve in the hydration of your eyes. Several food items give your body a good dose of omega-3. Chia seeds, walnuts, and flaxseed oil are the options for vegetarians, and eggs, salmon, and tuna are the choices for non-vegetarians. This is also why adding fish oil to the diet is one of the most popular ancestral remedies for dry eyes. These are items that can easily be incorporated in the daily diet to help those with dry eyes.
  • Heated eye mask
    In the hospitals, you might be able to experience a heated eye mask treatment when you have excessively dry eyes. To try at home, there are infrared heated masks that doctors might prescribe. The heat helps in stimulating the tear glands and increasing the production of tears. This helps in naturally lubricating the eyes. For the milder cases of dryness, a simple warm compress might be enough. One other major benefit of heated eye masks and warm compresses is that they provide instant relief to any amount of discomfort that dry eyes cause.
  • Sleep quality improvements
    In the past, sleep was given due importance. Ancestral methods of treating dry eyes focus a great deal on getting a good sleep every night. Straining the eyes before going to bed by looking at the smartphone screen can also make things worse. People who consistently suffer from eye dryness, and those who experience dry eyes temporarily, should start with strengthening their sleep quality. It can have a huge positive impact on the freshness of the eyes.
  • Drink lots of water
    Dryness in the eyes can also result from general dehydration when the tear glands are replenished with enough moisture and oxygen from the body, the chances of eye dryness drop. Anyone facing irritation or dryness in the eyes should check their daily intake of water. Drinking plenty of water makes sure that your eyes stay lubricated. Even during the colder months where you might not feel thirsty, your body needs plenty of water. This helps in preventing dehydration that can worsen eye dryness in several cases.

With these safe and effective ancestral remedies for dry eyes, it is possible to restore the eyes’ moisture content. These remedies leave your eyes feeling refreshed and make them look bright.