Common Causes and Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer

Common Causes and Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer occurs when the cells in a woman’s cervix mutate due to abnormalities. These cells connect one’s uterus to the vagina, and cancer in them affects the deeper tissues of the cervix. It gradually spreads to the other parts of the body, including the vagina, rectum, bladder, liver, and even the lungs. The condition progresses at a slower rate than certain other cancers, and hence, it can be treated even if not detected at the earliest. However, to ensure the best chances of a full recovery, it is ideal to diagnose the disease in the first stages itself. To help with that, here are some of the causes of cervical cancer that you should know about.

  • HPV
    Infections caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) are one of the most common causes of cervical cancer. It is actually a sexually transmitted virus and there can be more than 100 different types of HPV. Out of these, only 13 are able to cause cervical cancer. Now, the HPV infection is contracted via sexual contact or skin-to-skin contact. Studies have observed that HPV infection is common and that a majority of individuals will be infected by it at some point in life. Human papilloma viral infections also typically resolve on its own. However, only in some women, the HPV infection persists and causes precancerous changes in the cells of the cervix. This can be diagnosed through a PAP smear test.
  • Early Sexual Activeness
    Having multiple sexual partners or becoming sexually active pretty early in life are among the major causes of cervical cancer. This is again linked to HPV. Sexual contact with an individual who has HPV always poses the risk of the transmission of the cancer-causing HPV types. Women who have had multiple partners will be at a greater risk of this infection and hence, face increased chances of being affected by cervical cancer.
  • A Weak Immune System
    Certain treatments lead to the weakening of the immune system, which is a known cause of cervical cancer. People with HIV or AIDS or those who have gone through a transplant, necessitating the use of immunosuppressive medicines are also at risk of suffering from cervical cancer later in their life.
  • Birth Control Pills
    Not among the most commonly found causes of cervical cancer, but it is to be noted that long-term usage of some contraceptive pills is associated with a slightly higher risk of cervical cancer in women.
  • Smoking
    While smoking is usually considered to be linked to lung cancer, it can also be a major reason behind cervical cancer in women.
  • Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
    Cervical cancer can be caused by many other STDs apart from the HPV. Some of these diseases that further increase the risk of condition in women are chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. That is why it is crucial to practice safe sex and also, to be careful not to have multiple sexual partners at the same time.

Knowing about the causes of cervical cancer will help you stay aware and consult a physician even if there is the slightest symptom of the disease.