4 Foods That Help Manage Depression

4 Foods That Help Manage Depression

Depression is a low state of mind that results from severe trauma, intense stress, or side-effects of medication. This mood disorder can result in aggressiveness, restless behavior, a feeling of hopelessness, increased social isolation, and even thoughts of self-harm. So, it is crucial to detect a patient’s mental condition in the early stages and manage it through proper medication and therapy and a healthy diet. Let’s look at a few foods that help soothe depression: Walnuts Walnuts, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, have a positive influence on mood, and they also boost energy and concentration levels. This helps one maintain an optimistic attitude, no wonder they rank among the best foods that help soothe depression. A publication in the British Journal of Psychiatry pointed out that the mammalian brain consists of approximately 80 percent lipids, compounds that play a pivotal role in brain functioning. There is also a parallel increase in the number of people with depressive symptoms in the last few decades, and a rising trend of adapting to fast foods that are devoid of omega-3 fatty acids may be a leading cause. One can also add Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, and cashews to their diet or opt for trail mix as a healthy snack to fight depression.
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IBS Trigger Foods to Avoid

IBS Trigger Foods to Avoid

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and diet are closely interlinked. Many food items trigger aggravating digestive symptoms, such as irregular bowel movements, bloating, and abdominal pain. It is crucial to avoid these foods to stay healthy. Here, we will talk about the most common IBS food triggers to avoid. Insoluble fiber Foods contain two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble fiber. While the former is considered a healthy choice for people with IBS, the latter can make the symptoms worse and must be avoided. Foods containing insoluble fiber are typically hard to digest and make the pain and bloating worse. Insoluble fiber is concentrated in vegetables and whole-grain products. Gluten Gluten is a group of proteins that is largely found in grains like rye, barley, and wheat. Some people have a serious reaction to gluten, leading to an autoimmune disorder called celiac disease. Some researchers have concluded that avoiding gluten can ease the symptoms. Instead of gluten, you can resort to more nutritious alternatives, such as oats, quinoa, buckwheat, almond flour, coconut flour, etc. Dairy Dairy products are one of the most common IBS food triggers. Most dairy products are also rich in fats that can cause diarrhea. So, if they aggravate your symptoms, you must cut down on them.
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Osteoarthritis – Foods That Improve Bone Health

Osteoarthritis – Foods That Improve Bone Health

Making certain dietary changes helps boost the immune system and fight inflammation, making you feel better when it comes to osteoarthritis. As some foods have anti-inflammatory properties, including them in your diet can help improve the conditions of osteoarthritis and prevent more damage to the joints. Ease your symptoms by adding foods that help manage osteoarthritis to your diet. Fish People with osteoarthritis benefit from inflammation-fighting omega-3 fatty acids found in fish. Make sure you include 3 to 4 ounces of fish twice a week in your diet. Tuna, salmon, mackerel, and sardines are sources of these healthy fats. Soybeans Low in fat and high in fiber and protein, soybeans are great foods that help manage osteoarthritis, especially for people who are not a fan of fish. Tofu and edamame are good sources of soy. Oils Some oils also help reduce inflammation and contain heart-healthy fats. Extra virgin oil and avocado oil, walnut oil, and sunflower oil contain anti-inflammatory properties. Add one or two tablespoons of any of these oils in your daily diet. Dairy For managing osteoarthritis, consuming low-fat dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese is important. Packed with calcium and Vitamin D, dairy products not only strengthen bones but also help boost the immune system.
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6 Foods to Avoid for Asthma Patients

6 Foods to Avoid for Asthma Patients

In some people, asthma attacks can be triggered by consuming certain foods. Identifying the foods you are sensitive to is important as consuming them can cause inflammation leading to breathing difficulties. It is better to avoid such foods that put you at risk of an asthma attack. Below are some of the foods to avoid when suffering from asthma. Foods Containing Preservatives Foods with preservatives such as sulfites can trigger asthma in some people. Sulfites increase the shelf life of the food and are added in many canned foods and cured or prepared meats. People with asthma need to avoid such foods containing sulfites as it can irritate the lungs triggering a reaction in a few hours. Sulfites are also found in Dried fruits like raisins, apricots, and dried plums Packaged potatoes Wine and beer Pickled food Frozen shrimp and other shellfish Maraschino cherries Bottled lemon and lime juice Commercial baked goods like pie crusts, canned frosting, biscuit dough It is important to read the label for words like potassium bisulfite and sodium sulfite before buying, as consuming foods with these preservatives can cause problems for people with asthma. Foods with Omega-6 Raw sunflower seeds, pine nuts, pistachios, pumpkin seeds are sources of Omega-6 fatty acids.
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7 Healthy Store-Bought Snack Options for Kids

7 Healthy Store-Bought Snack Options for Kids

Snacktime is every kid’s favorite time of the day, but for the parents, it can be a little tricky. Parents are always in search of those snacks that are healthy for the kids. The packaged snacks available these days are easy to toss into your kid’s lunchbox, and at the same time, they deliver the right nutritional value. Here are some of the extremely popular healthy store-bought snacks for kids. Pack of Popcorn Popcorns are rich in fiber, quick to prepare, and kids love them. While purchasing a pack of popcorns, it is advisable to look for the ones that are free of artificial colors and flavors. To enhance their flavor, you can sprinkle some cinnamon and parmesan cheese in the pack and shake it. Energy Bars They are nutrient-dense and contain fewer fillers. While buying an energy bar, you must opt for the option that is low in sugar so that no harm is caused to the health of the children. Moreover, these can be obtained in a variety of flavors to let your children try something new every day. Crispy Chickpeas The long list of healthy store-bought snacks for kids also includes the packed chickpeas. Such roasted chickpeas are high in fiber and protein, and most importantly they act as filling midday snacks.
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7 Dangerous Foods for High Cholesterol

7 Dangerous Foods for High Cholesterol

Cholesterol can be defined as a waxy and fatty substance that the body needs as a building block of the cell membranes. In addition, it helps in making hormones, vitamin D, and the substances that help you digest the food. However, it gets a bad name when high cholesterol starts creating a problem for heart health. So, to manage your cholesterol level, listed below are the foods to avoid with high cholesterol. Butter Butter is a common ingredient used to make your dishes even more flavorsome. It is extremely high in cholesterol and must be avoided. The saturated fat present in butter increases bad cholesterol in your body and puts your heart at a major risk of developing a disease. Microwave Popcorn The way popcorns are made can bring all the difference in whether they are good or bad for your health. The microwave popcorns are prepared with butter, salt, and olive oil, and this combination is definitely not good for someone who has high cholesterol. For a healthier option, you must eliminate butter and salt, and make them with olive oil and parmesan cheese. Baked Goods Among foods to avoid with high cholesterol, you can also find baked goods. These treats have lots of saturated fat and butter, which can bring down the good cholesterol levels in your body.
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7 Mistakes to Avoid When Following a Keto Diet

7 Mistakes to Avoid When Following a Keto Diet

Keto diet has become one of the most popular and successful ways of losing weight. In this diet, an individual is supposed to consume high-fat and low-carb foods. However, a lot of people complain about how despite their efforts, they fail to shed any weight. As it turns out, there are several keto mistakes that keep you from losing weight. So, we made a list to let you know the common mistakes you might be making. Too Much Protein Usually, a low-carb diet is linked with high-protein intake, but it is not the same in the keto diet. When you eat too much protein, then the body starts converting it into sugar, which again increases the level of carbohydrate. Therefore, it is important to consume protein in a well-balanced manner. Too Many Calories One of the most common keto mistakes that keep you from losing weight is the excessive consumption of calories. Following a keto diet does not mean you have to cut out all the carbs, as you have to control your calorie intake. This majorly happens when you continuously consume high-fat food, as fat has twice the calories as compared to carbohydrates and proteins. Very Few Calories Another reason for your inability to lose weight could be that you are consuming few calories.
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Foods to Help Manage Schizophrenia Symptoms

Foods to Help Manage Schizophrenia Symptoms

Schizophrenia is a mental health disorder. It impacts one’s ability to talk, think, and express, hampering social life, and interactions. Although schizophrenia is a lifelong condition, certain treatment options can help to manage the symptoms well. Some food can also benefit people battling with this problem. So if you are wondering which foods help with managing schizophrenia, this post is for you. Fruits A lot of studies have suggested that people who have schizophrenia do not get sufficient fiber. Fruits like apples, pears, raspberries, etc. are rich sources of fiber that also help in digestion. They eliminate bad cholesterol and also lower the chances of many other health problems. Salmon and other fatty fish Omega-3 fatty acids are important for the human body. However, they can’t be produced by the body and need to be absorbed in sufficient quantities through food. Many researchers have concluded that these fatty acids can help improve symptoms of schizophrenia. All fatty fish, including salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel, are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Oysters and crab Oysters, crab, and lobster are high sources of zinc. Additionally, you can also intake zinc in the form of fortified cereals and other supplements. Spinach Spinach is an excellent source of folate, which is a great nutrient for reducing the symptoms of schizophrenia.
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Natural Treatments for Diabetic Neuropathy

Natural Treatments for Diabetic Neuropathy

Affecting as many as 50 percent of those with diabetes, diabetic neuropathy is a condition that occurs when high blood sugar causes nerve damage. There are many different types and severity levels of diabetic neuropathy, but common symptoms include pain, weakness, and numbness in the affected areas of the body. While the pain can be managed by medication, such as Brivaracetam, or Briviact for neuropathy, there are also natural treatments that can ease some discomfort. Such treatments include: 1) Cayenne pepper This powerful spice has been used as a natural pain reliever by many different cultures for centuries. Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, which, when applied to the skin in cream form, can reduce the amount of substance P, a chemical that delivers pain signals to the brain. When the chemical is reduced, pain is relieved. According to double-blind trials, topical creams that contain between 0.025 and 0.075 percent capsaicin are effective at relieving symptoms of diabetic neuropathy. A doctor should prescribe how often the cream is applied per day based on the severity of symptoms. This treatment should only be conducted under medical supervision. 2) Acupuncture While this traditional Chinese treatment was originally based on the idea of unblocking the “chi”, or energy flow, in the body, modern research does suggest that acupuncture can be used as effective pain relief for diabetic neuropathy.
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Foods to Eat and Avoid to Manage Migraines

Foods to Eat and Avoid to Manage Migraines

If you suffer from migraines, apart from other factors, certain food and beverages you eat or drink can also cause a headache. Learning about personal food triggers and making some dietary changes will help you prevent migraine attacks. Given below are some dietary tips to prevent migraines. What to eat A well-balanced and nutritious diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean meats is one of the dietary tips to prevent migraines. Include the following in your diet: Foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, flaxseed, olive oil, and walnuts may help reduce migraines. Fruits, vegetables, and legumes such as carrots, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, quinoa, barley, figs, and bananas will keep you energized and prevent migraines. Boosting carbs intake can help prevent migraines. Whole wheat bread and oatmeal are good options to increase the carbs. Magnesium-rich foods such as almonds, cashews, dried apricots and leafy greens like kale and spinach will help in better managing migraines. Calcium and Vitamin D from fortified products like dairy, soy milk, eggs, and orange juice. For some people, even a little amount of coffee can help relieve migraine pain. Ginger has a number of anti-inflammatory effects, and including ginger in your daily diet will help improve migraine symptoms.
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