Telltale Signs of Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Telltale Signs of Alcohol and Substance Abuse

The problems of drug abuse and alcohol addiction are both costing America more than $740 billion annually in crime-related expenses and in loss of productivity and healthcare costs. Drug addiction is not just a physical problem, but has multi-pronged causes that adversely affect all aspects of a person’s life. If you suspect someone is addicted to any intoxicant, here are the signs of alcohol and substance abuse that you should look for.

  • Problems with work or school:  People who are going through alcohol and substance abuse first start showing the signs of the same in their workplace or academic institutions. They regularly miss work/classes and their productivity gradually drops. Regular complaints of behavioral changes are also to be taken as signs that the person may be under the influence of intoxicants.
  • Negligence in grooming:  If someone who is usually impeccably dressed coming to work in shabby, unkempt clothes, and shows a sudden lack of interest in grooming or looking presentable, it is cause for suspicion This could also be one of the signs of alcohol and substance abuse, and you must monitor them closely for a while in this case.
  • Behavioral changes:  A lot of people also start noticing random behavioral changes in their loved ones or peers when they are addicted to alcohol or drugs. Drug and alcohol abuse can prevent the brain from thinking and functioning straight. Behavioral changes to look out for include increased irritability, aggressive behavior, depression and a general lack of interest, and acting strange with friends and family.
  • Physical changes:  Just like how the signs of alcohol and substance abuse can be behavioral, it can be physical too. Here are some physical changes that give you clues that a person may have an addiction problem: Bloodshot eyes, sudden weight gain or weight loss, trembling of the hands, distinct body odors because of drug and alcohol abuse, and pupils that are extra-dilated or constricted.
  • Secretive behavior:  Many people who show signs of alcohol and substance abuse are ashamed of their habit and try to hide all evidence of it. People who are overtly secretive about where they go, their spending habits, and their activities could be dealing with substance or alcohol issues.
  • Engaging in behavior that is careless or risky:  People with substance abuse problems suddenly become drastic risk-takers and engage in careless and dangerous activities like drunk driving, climbing up to the rooftop, and so on. Such behaviors are almost definitive signs of the person going through substance abuse.

There are several avenues of professional help available for free in the United States for people displaying signs of alcohol and substance abuse. All they need to do is ask for assistance. If you or someone you know is addicted to alcohol or drugs, then reach out to nearby addiction centers or take help from a psychiatrist. With the right aid, it is possible to get out of the abuse cycle.