7 Natural Remedies to Tackle Symptoms of Gouty Arthritis

7 Natural Remedies to Tackle Symptoms of Gouty Arthritis

Gout is the worst form of arthritis that causes excessive pain and swelling in different parts of the body. This condition occurs when the uric acid increases and crystalizes in the joints. Doctors generally recommend dietary and lifestyle changes to prevent sudden flare-ups. Along with these, the patients can also try various ancestral remedies for gouty arthritis. So, listed below are the ancestral remedies that are known to show positive results.

Fenugreek seeds
Regular consumption of fenugreek seeds helps reduce the internal and external inflammation in the body. All you need to do is soak the fenugreek seeds overnight in the water and drink that water in the morning and chew the seeds. By doing so, you will experience a major change in your condition.

Castor oil
The ancestral remedies for gouty arthritis also suggest the use of castor oil. People dealing with gout can apply the warm castor oil and massage it on the affected area. The oil with its highly effective compounds will break down the uric acid crystals and remove the swelling, redness, and pain.

Garlic is another incredible solution for gout. As it significantly brings down the uric acid levels and prevents the crystallization from occurring. You can swallow one pod of garlic or you can finely chop it and then consume to gradually cure gout.

Coriander with its antioxidant properties assists in clearing the gastrointestinal tract, which further leads to reduction in the uric acid levels. You can take coriander sprigs and mix them in water and drink. Also, you can add coriander in your meals as a garnish that will enhance the flavors and keep the uric acid regulated.

Turmeric is believed to contain an incredible amount of medicinal value and hence, it is one of the widely recommended ancestral remedies for gouty arthritis. It provides maximum assistance in preventing the inflammation caused during a gout attack. Turmeric powder can be added to a glass of milk, and can be even applied topically on the affected area in the form of a paste.

To neutralize the effect of uric acid present in your blood, you need to drink lemon juice and consume other vitamin-rich fruits. These can strengthen the body’s tissues and reduce the pain caused by the gout attack. You can squeeze some lemon juice, mix it with water and consume it every day to keep your condition stable.

Studies have shown that people who consume cherries are at a lower risk of suffering a severe gout attack as compared to those who don’t. Consuming three servings of ten to twelve cherries or relying on the benefits of cherry extract can save you from a painful gout attack.

People battling gout can definitely try the above-mentioned ancestral remedies for gouty arthritis to prevent the frequent occurrence of sudden gout attacks.