7 Healthy Store-Bought Snack Options for Kids

7 Healthy Store-Bought Snack Options for Kids

Snacktime is every kid’s favorite time of the day, but for the parents, it can be a little tricky. Parents are always in search of those snacks that are healthy for the kids. The packaged snacks available these days are easy to toss into your kid’s lunchbox, and at the same time, they deliver the right nutritional value. Here are some of the extremely popular healthy store-bought snacks for kids.

Pack of Popcorn
Popcorns are rich in fiber, quick to prepare, and kids love them. While purchasing a pack of popcorns, it is advisable to look for the ones that are free of artificial colors and flavors. To enhance their flavor, you can sprinkle some cinnamon and parmesan cheese in the pack and shake it.

Energy Bars
They are nutrient-dense and contain fewer fillers. While buying an energy bar, you must opt for the option that is low in sugar so that no harm is caused to the health of the children. Moreover, these can be obtained in a variety of flavors to let your children try something new every day.

Crispy Chickpeas
The long list of healthy store-bought snacks for kids also includes the packed chickpeas. Such roasted chickpeas are high in fiber and protein, and most importantly they act as filling midday snacks. Mothers can always add a packet of these chickpeas to their kid’s lunchbox.

Whole-grain Cookies
Offering whole-grain cookies to your children is an excellent way to serve them an abundance of nutrition and to treat their tongues. Such cookies come loaded with ingredients like lemon, blueberries, and flaxseeds to provide a perfect combination of nutrition and taste.

Granola Bars
Granola bars are one of the widely preferred healthy store-bought snacks for kids. These keep the kids full for long and create a burst of flavors. You can always select the ones that have less sugar and high protein content along with other nutritional values. Such baked chewy bars can be bought in flavors like chocolate, peanut butter, caramel apple and more.

Whether you want a chip-like snack or you want something crunchy for your cheese, the crackers are available in an enormous variety. You can serve a number of gluten-free varieties with no-added sugar to your kids. These snacks will keep them going throughout the day and curb their sudden hunger pangs.

Rye Chips
Among various healthy store-bought snacks for kids, these are widely suggested. Kids love potato chips, but when you are looking for a healthier version chip, then rye chips are just perfect. These contain a lot of fiber and iron and are free of additives. Moreover, they can be combined with hummus, guacamole, salsa, or any other dip to enhance the flavors.

Snacks are an essential part of everyone’s diet, especially kids, as they keep them going in between the meals. With so many healthier versions of snacks available, parents can easily offer nutrition, taste, and flavors to their children.