6 Safe Human Foods for Cats

6 Safe Human Foods for Cats

When you relax on your sofa munching some snacks from a bowl, your kitty comes sitting next to you, waiting to be pampered and also fed what you are enjoying. Now, this brings us to the question of whether human foods are safe for cats. Of course, not all of them are safe, but you will be surprised to know that your cat will be perfectly fine with most foods that you eat. So, here is a list of some human foods that are safe for cats that you can consider.

Cats love fish, and so do humans. Of course, fish is among the top human foods that are safe for cats. Definitely, you don’t want your kitty to eat from the aquarium so, bring him/her fishes like the tuna and mackerel. Not will your cat enjoy the taste of these fishes but will also develop healthy eyesight, joints, and brain, deriving the nutrition from them.

Cats are natural carnivores, and hence, meats are perfectly safe for them. Poultry, beef, and all other types of meats are among the  human foods that are safe for cats . However, to ensure proper digestion of your cat, cooked poultry is the best choice. Ensure avoiding meats that are high in sodium content such as ham or cold cuts. This is because high sodium foods can prove toxic to your cat.

Cheese is an absolutely safe food for your cat though you should ensure giving it to him in a limited proportion of about 2-3 days a week. Cheese is quite high in protein and calcium and hence, good for the overall development of your cat’s health.

Not all fruits can be given to cats, but bananas are among the human foods that are safe for cats. However, bananas should be given as special treats or occasional snacks. They are high in sugar content and, therefore, should not be a part of the daily diet of the pet. This can lead to developing diabetes.

Berries are considered to be better options than bananas because they have low sugar content and are high in antioxidants. Therefore, blueberries and strawberries are ideal fruits to share with your cat, although you should avoid giving a pie to him.

Rice is a safe human food for cats. It need not be the part of your cat’s daily diet, but some proportion of plain rice every now and then is beneficial, especially for cats with digestive issues. Also, cats love the taste of rice and fish, so you will not have any problem feeding him the same.

All the above mentioned human foods are safe for cats . However, remember that these foods should be part of a balanced meal, and whenever you are in doubt, consult with your veterinarian.