6 Foods to Avoid with Ovarian Cancer

6 Foods to Avoid with Ovarian Cancer

Diet plays a vital role in ourselves as it provides as with the nutrition that we need. Also, quite a few health conditions can be effectively managed by eating healthily and avoiding certain foods and beverages that can trigger or aggravate symptoms. Listed below are some of the foods to avoid for ovarian cancer that can help to make the condition a bit more manageable.

Refined sugar can boost the growth of cancer cells. Hence, some of the foods to avoid for ovarian cancer are bakery products such as cakes and cookies, packaged juices, and some cereals. Always check the label of packaged food for the sugar content.

Processed, Cured, and Red Meats
When diagnosed with ovarian cancer, avoiding or restricting the consumption of red, processed, and cured meats might be a good idea. You can instead opt for protein such as eggs and chicken. Vegetarians can have soya and nuts. Most processed meats contain a high amount of preservatives and chemicals to make them look fresh. Hence, a few of the foods to avoid for ovarian cancer are hot dogs, sausages, and bacon. These also have a high amount of salt, which is not suitable for overall health.

Canned Fruits and Vegetables
As much as possible ovarian cancer patients should eat fresh fruits and vegetables that provide them with the minerals and vitamins that they need to fight ovarian cancer. Canned fruits and vegetables could contain Bisphenol-A that has leached into the food from the metal can. Some of these canned items are also preserved in liquids that have a high amount of salt or sugar and should be avoided.

Foods High in Starch
The consumption of foods like potatoes, rice, bread, and pasta should be avoided. You must opt for whole grains instead. When diagnosed with ovarian cancer, you could experience constipation. Whole grains help to provide relief from this. Also, due to the loss in appetite, whole grains provide the nutrition that your body requires.

High-fiber and Dairy-based Foods
If you suffer from diarrhea, then avoiding high-fiber foods and dairy items such as butter and cheese is recommended. You should also restrict your consumption of caffeine and carbonated beverages as these can aggravate diarrhea.

Fatty and Acidic Foods
You should avoid greasy and oily foods and those rich in fats when undergoing treatment for ovarian cancer as they can increase the feelings of nausea and vomiting brought about due to treatments such as chemotherapy. Hence, some of the foods to avoid for ovarian cancer are fried foods, full-fat butter, and chips. You should also avoid acidic and citrus foods such as pickled items and tomatoes as they can trigger nausea.

Keep these foods in mind for avoiding ovarian cancer and you should be able to manage and cope with your condition better.