5 Dietary Tips to Keep Rheumatoid Arthritis at Bay

5 Dietary Tips to Keep Rheumatoid Arthritis at Bay

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory condition that causes pain in the joints. The condition occurs when the immune system of a person mistakenly attacks its own body tissues. In the long term, the disease may also lead to the deformation of the joints. However, the disorder can be managed by making certain dietary changes. Here’s the list of foods to eat and avoid for rheumatoid arthritis.

Opt for a weekly dose of salmon
The fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which is helpful in treating rheumatoid arthritis as the polyunsaturated fats have anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, you can also opt for fish like sardines, mackerel, and fresh tuna as they include the same fatty acid. Alternatively, people, who are vegetarian, can include walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseeds in their diet to maintain their level of fatty acid.

Give priority to dairy
Among the list of foods to eat and avoid for rheumatoid arthritis, dairy products belong in the former category. They include a high amount of calcium and vitamin D, necessary to boost bone health. Additionally, consuming milk and substitutes aids in improving the strength of the bones. Furthermore, the presence of protein in dairy products helps in building muscle so that symptoms of the disease get subsided.

Avoid processed food
The use of packaged food should be strictly avoided by people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. These foods contain high amounts of flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate and other preservatives that can increase inflammation in the body. It is for this reason, the list of the foods to eat and avoid for rheumatoid arthritis, display a red signal for this processed food.

Go for green tea
If you are fond of tea, include green tea to your diet. It will lower inflammation in the body and slow down the speed of cartilage damage. Additionally, the inclusion of green tea also provides epigallocatechin-3 that stops the creation of molecules, which damages the rheumatoid arthritis joints.

Eliminate usage of vegetable oil
In the list of foods to eat and avoid for rheumatoid arthritis, vegetable oils are placed in the latter category. Vegetable oils have a high amount of unsaturated fats that can trigger inflammation in the body. Instead, you can choose healthy oils like olive oil, avocado oil, and grape seed oil. They are beneficial as they include a high amount of oleic acid that helps in lowering the inflammation. Furthermore, these oils also aid in protecting the heart and brain.

Along with these food suggestions, you should restrict your alcohol intake and keep your weight under control to manage the disorder and prevent it from reaching out to other organs. If the condition becomes worse, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.