3 Popular Types of Plastic Surgery Procedures

3 Popular Types of Plastic Surgery Procedures

Cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery are most often confused. Cosmetic surgery refers to procedures that enhance a person’s appearance, while plastic surgery refers to techniques and procedures to correct bodily defects caused by trauma, burns, and disease. Listed here are some of the most common plastic surgery procedures:

Breast surgeries
Procedures that enhance or change the appearance of the breast are among the most common plastic surgery procedures. Some of these are:

  • Breast reconstruction : This procedure is most often performed on women after a mastectomy, which is a surgical procedure to treat or prevent breast cancer.
  • Breast augmentation : Also known as breast implant surgery, the techniques used in this surgery increase or change the size of the breast. This procedure usually involves the use of silicone implants.
  • Breast reduction : This surgery is usually recommended for women who have heavy or large breasts that can cause chronic back pain and poor posture.
  • Breast lift : This procedure is usually suggested for women who have undergone significant weight loss or have poorly shaped breasts.
  • Gynecomastia : This procedure is used to reduce excessive male breast tissue that could be hereditary or a result of steroids and marijuana use.

Facial surgeries
The following are also among the most common plastic surgery procedures and can be performed for a number of reasons:

  • Blepharoplasty : Also known as eyelid reshaping surgery, this procedure can be done for cosmetic reasons too. It is usually performed when the eyelids obstruct a person’s vision, and the cosmetic uses are to reduce chronic puffiness and wrinkling and achieve a more youthful appearance.
  • Rhinoplasty : Commonly known as a nose job, this procedure is very popular and can be used to reduce the size of the nose or enhance its appearance. Additionally, it can be used to improve breathing and rectify a deviated septum in some cases.
  • Rhytidectomy : A list of the most common plastic surgery procedures would be incomplete without the mention of a facelift. This procedure is mostly used to tighten the skin to get rid of wrinkles and is often combined with other cosmetic plastic surgery procedures like skin peels and forehead lifts for a younger-looking appearance.

Another common plastic surgery procedure, liposuction is used to give the body a slimmer shape, and this cosmetic procedure can be of two types. Tumescent liposuction is wherein a solution of saline, a medicine to constrict the blood vessels, and a numbing agent is injected into the body, and the liquid and fat are then suctioned out. The second type is ultrasonic-assisted liposuction, wherein a small tube releases ultrasonic energy that melts the fat, which is then suctioned off.

If considering cosmetic plastic surgery, one should discuss the pros and cons of the most common plastic surgery procedures with their doctor beforehand.